Instituto Garimpo de Soluções

The Instituto Garimpo de Soluções joins a pioneering trajectory in creative economy, territorial development and other links between culture, economy and cities, followed by Garimpo de Soluções.
At the end of 18 years of experience, having worked with more than 250 clients - companies, organizations, UN, IDB -, from 32 countries, we took a breath to meet a recurring demand from governments, international institutions and the like: to create a Institute.
Welcome to the Garimpo de Soluções family. Our difference is to transform challenges, solutions and solutions. For different companies, for efficient governments, for a more powerful world.


We are global citizens passionate about Brazil, the richness of our territory and the creativity of our people.
We repay this enchantment with a systemic look, bold approaches and unlikely connections, in addition to putting our soul into everything we do.
A quartet of founders, to which are added other talents handpicked, according to the profile of each project.


Ana Carla Fonseca



She is founder of Garimpo de Soluções and Instituto Garimpo de Soluções, consultant and lecturer in 5 languages. She has written several seminal books, having been awarded the Jabuti Prize in Economics, for Economics of Culture and Sustainable Development (2007) and finalist in Urbanism, with Creative Cities (2013), in addition to having designed and edited several international digital anthologies, such as Economics Creative as a Development Strategy (2008), first work in the clipping and Creative Cities – Perspectives (2009). Advisor to the UN and the IDB, she was Technical Coordinator of the DF Creative Territory project and of several creative economy plans, such as the first regional creative economy plan in Brazil, for 22 municipalities in Vale do Ribeira, of the Vale do Territory Brand Jequitinhonha and the Plan Porto Rico American Capital of Culture.

Ricardo Peruchi



He is a designer of content and experiences for physical and digital media, aimed at the most diverse platforms and formats – from books to 360º audiovisual experiences, from exhibitions to events, passing through the creation of brands and narratives. He is a journalist from ECA-USP and attended the inter-unit postgraduate program in Aesthetics and Art History at the same university. He has been dedicated to the areas of culture, education and communication for 25 years.

At Garimpo de Soluções, he works in territorial development projects, based on the creative economy – such as Dá Gosto Ser do Ribeira, the first regional creative economy plan in Brazil, developed for Vale do Ribeira; the Creative Territory, designed to encourage entrepreneurship in the Federal District; and the development of a territorial brand and a short-film documentary for Vale do Jequitinhonha, focusing on ceramists and their communities.

Ale Castane



Partner-director and senior consultant at Garimpo de Soluções, where he is responsible for the general direction of collective intelligence projects and urban innovations, such as the digital platform Sampa CriAtiva (on demand from FecomercioSP, SESC and Senac), in 2013. Cocurator of “Hackeando Futuros”, for Estação Hack (Facebook's first innovation center in the world), participated in the preparation of several creative economy plans, such as the first regional creative economy plan in the country, for Vale do Ribeira (SP), “Dá I like being in Ribeira” (2020)
Codirigiu os ciclos de capacitação em economia criativa e cidades e do mapeamento de singularidades criativas com metodologia própria, em 15 cidades do Ceará e de Minas Gerais (para os Sebrae CE e MG – 2015). Foi Diretor-executivo do OpenCity Lab, plataforma de inovação aberta baseada em startups com impacto urbano (em parceria com a agência Repense – 2016/17) e Coordenador de Pesquisa, Benchmark e Conteúdo do projeto Território Criativo DF (2017/18).

Chris 1



Christian Strube studied history and letters in Germany, worked at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and at the SFB 511 Literature and Anthropology Research Center at the University of Konstanz. He was a guest researcher at the French National Institute of Demographic Studies (Ined) and at the German Historical Institute in Paris. In Brazil, he was a professor at Colégio Humboldt and coordinator of Vocational Training, which represents the German Dual System of technical education in collaboration with multinational companies and the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce. He also worked in the management of the citizen collaboration portal Sampa CriAtiva and the Brazilian Institute of Psychoanalysis Winnicotiana, in addition to having consulted for private organizations and the third sector, in the areas of research, teaching, editing, planning, management and evaluation. He is co-author of the book Cultura e Desenvolvimento (SENAC, 2018). He is currently coordinating an international project of Franco-German cultural cooperation, with the Goethe Institute in Rio de Janeiro.


We generate every form of content that has culture, economy, development, territory and related dimensions as ingredients – from the creation of the recipe to its preparation, to its implementation. This list includes lectures to territorial brands, from creative economy plans to seminar curatorships, from audiovisual series to cycles of meetings, from international missions to corporate courses, from training for public managers to city networks, from consultancy for positioning from institutions to the creation of impact metrics, from mapping territorial singularities to publishing publications, from creative entrepreneurship programs to much more.
Every time we publish our menu of services, a customer provokes us to create a new, made-to-measure dish. What will your order be?


